7 Deadly Mistakes Made By New Practice Startups

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18: Negative Feedback: On a Positive Note

It’s going to happen to us all, no matter how hard you try, no matter how many Starbucks cards you give away in your clinic for positive feedback, no matter how many families that you ask to leave positive reviews online.  The day will come, I promise.  And when it does, embrace it and learn […]

16: Accepting Insurances: How to Have a Successful Speech Therapy Private Practice

Many people contact me and ask this question, “How do I start a speech therapy private practice and just take cash and not deal with insurances and minimize headaches”? There isn’t an easy answer to this question, because with the increase of consumers forced to have insurance coverage, people want value. Patients want to use […]

14: You’re Either Consuming or Producing

When you start, manage and grow your own speech therapy private practice, time is always limited. Let’s face it, there are only so many hours a day, right? Making a commitment to start a speech therapy private practice is important step in your financial future. Sunset Beach, North Shore, O’ahu   In this episode: 01:37 […]

13: What You Need to Know: Scheduling Essentials In Speech Therapy Private Practice

We really aren’t trained in graduate school to create boundaries for ourselves and say “no” sometimes.  When scheduling clients, we need to be clear and have expectations for clients and families so that we can do the best job possible. Treatment is a 2-way street.  We have to value client’s time and they must value […]